2019 Reading List

Michael Finney
2 min readOct 30, 2020


It’s nice to have these collections of completed books to look back on from previous years. I like to document my reading and share the thoughts that strike me while working through the pages.

Life After Google | George Gilder

I liked this books so much that I put together a video review for the platforms I use that can host them.

Drive | Daniel Pink

Mastering the New Media Landscape | Barbara Hendricks, Rusty Shelton

Finally, Some Good News | Delicious Tacos

How Google Works | Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life | Jesse Pain

The Power of Now | Eckhart Tolle

Vienna 1814 | David King

Salt | Mark Kurlansky

The Good Neighbor | Maxwell King

Make Art with Python | Kirk Kaiser

Finnegan’s Wake | James Joyce

Own the Room | Amy Jen Su & Maignan Wilkins

Zero to One | Peter Theil & Blake Masters

Skin in the Game | Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Information | James Gleick

Reality Is Not What It Seems | Carlo Rovelli

Unruly Places | Alastair Bonnett

QED | Richard Feynman

Chronicles | Bob Dylan

When | Daniel Pink

Appreciating the 9 Fine

1893 Chicago’s Columbian Exposition | Michael Finney

Underland | Rob MacFarlane

How to Change Your Mind | Michael Pollan

Fooled by Randomness | Nassim Nicholas Taleb

DaVinci | Walter Isaacson

The Hour of Land | T Tempest Williams

Conscious | Annaka Harris

Walden | Henry David Thoreau

Range | David Epstein

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out | Richard Feynman

Talking to Strangers | Malcolm Gladwell

The Future of Humanity | Michio Kaku

A Perfect Union of Contrary Things | Sarah Jensen & Maynard

At the Mountains of Madness | HP Lovecraft

Something Deeply Hidden | Sean Carroll

Surrounded by Idiots | Thomas Erikson

Antifragile | Nassim Nicholas Taleb

21 Lessons for the 21st Century | Yuval Noah Harari

The Reading List from 2018 is also available here on Medium.

You can also view the entire 2019 Reading List as a Twitter Moment:



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