2020 Reading List

Michael Finney
2 min readJan 2, 2021


For the last three years I’ve been keeping a log of my reading on Twitter by posting at least a picture of the cover and a short blurb. The list is never comprehensive but does offer a pretty thorough account of whatever I was reading that year. I consciously decided to read a lot more fiction this year. Obviously, I still ventured into a few technical books and popular psychology along the way.

Dark worlds of HP Lovecraft Vol 1| Wayne June

Dune | Frank Herbert

Digital Minimalism | Cal Newport

Dark Worlds of HP Lovecraft Vol 2 | Wayne June

For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest Hemingway

Homage to Catalonia | George Orwell

Dark World of HP Lovecraft Vol 3 | Wayne June

Brave New World | Aldous Huxley

The Three Musketeers | Alexandre Dumas

Dark Worlds of HP Lovecraft Vol 4 | Wayne June

The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho

The Checklist Manifesto | Atul Gawande

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep | Phillip K. Dick

Paradise Lost | John Milton

Murder on the Orient Express | Agatha Cristie

Dark World of HP Lovecraft Vol 5 | Wayne June

How We Got to Now | Stephen Johnson

Dune Messiah | Frank Herbert

The Agony and the Ecstasy | Irving Stone

The Culture Code | Daniel Coyle

Gödel, Escher, Bach | Douglas Hofstadter

Dark Worlds of HP Lovecraft Vol 6 | Wayne June

The Teachings of Don Juan | Carlos Castaneda

The Power of Myth | Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers

Gödel’s Proof | Nagel & Newman w/ Hofstadter

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said | Phillip K. Dick

Tao Te Ching | Lao Tzu

A Separate Reality | Carlos Castaneda

The Intelligent Investor | Benjamin Graham

Journey to Ixtlan | Carlos Castaneda

Love in the Time Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A Scanner Darkly | Phillip K. Dick

Minority Report & Other Stories |Phillip K. Dick

50 Psychology Classics | Tom Butler-Bowdon

Grant | Ron Chernow

Musicophilia | Oliver Sacks

Thus Spoke Zarathustra | Friedrich Nietsche

Exploring Our National Parks Vol 1 | Michael Finney

Gravity’s Rainbow | Thomas Pynchon

Grit | Angela Duckworth

Good to Great | Jim Collins



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