Duro Dogs: NFT Gaming on the Blockchain
No one that has been hanging around the crypto scene for a while will forget the emergence of kitties in the Ethereum community. Of course the big story this year has been the dominance of profile picture nonfungible tokens (NFTS), but so much of this content resides on servers — not the blockchain.
Duro Dogs advances on these concepts by utilizing NFTY Jigs tokens(a Run protocol implementation) to store content on the BSV bitcoin network. Obviously, I’ve been following a lot of these developments with the rest of the community and wanted to give it a try.
So I got a dog. Named him Light because the dog is white (maybe very light grey? I dunno). Each dog is a collection of attributes such as their fur colors, the presence of spots, plus the shapes of its body parts. These combinations influence the aggregate “rarity” of your pup. Light seems to be fairly average given the details the Duro Dogs team has released.
Of course you can acquire all sorts of fashionable clothing and style options for your dog by engaging the games features. Your dog can perform activities such as Play and Dig. As you perform the lower level options your dog will level up, giving you access to more Play options, high percentage reward options for digging, and the chance to stuff your dog full of treats to build his energy back up.
Yeah, some of the items are fairly costly — but whales have bought up the limited supply all the same. I’m sure we can expect more items like this before too long. However, you can acquire another dog for just 99¢ worth of $BSV. This amplifies the rate at which your dogs will generate treats, making purchases more abundant.
The name is terrible — we get it: alliteration. But the Duro is an obscure reference made for a minuscule subsection of crypto users based in Spain, where the Handcash team originated. Also, the mechanics remind me of the Facebook gaming era that was dominated by Zynga and more recently by the mobile freemium games. I do expect the game to become more robust as expansions are released. The folks responsible for the game and its infrastructure say we can expect “interoperability”, I look forward to finding out what all they intend by that.
We like the dogs.