Exploring Our National Parks Volume 2 by Michael Finney Now Available on Gumroad
“Exploring Our National Parks, Volume 2” takes viewers into five sites around the United States via the camera lens, words, and sounds of documentarian Michael Finney. The collection is now available via the content distribution platform Gumroad for $6.
Michael Finney remarked, “I enjoy visiting these locations to see, photograph, and think. Turning these excursions into videos brings the time back to life in a way for me that still words and images don’t compare with in regards to capturing the breadth of the experience.”
This project started years ago when the author began traveling the country and visiting these locations while working or taking time off. After sharing images online over the years and writing about the experiences, Michael decided to convert the collections into a videos series. “The ‘Exploring Our National Parks’ project is really versatile, letting me explore creativity in a number of outlets. Putting out a self-produced book, audiobook, and video series every two years seems pretty daunting until you do it a couple times. Now I have visited over 20 parks and plan at least four volumes,” Finney said.
Purchase here: https://mdf365.gumroad.com/l/National-Parks-V2
For More
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/national.parks.explore/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Parks_National_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/national.parks.explore/
Volume 2 Book: https://amazon.com/dp/1082413585
Volume 1 Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P4QZW6C/
Volume 1 Video Series: https://mdf365.gumroad.com/l/National-Parks-V1